What Is “The Right Education” for Your Alright Child? KidsAreAlright.org

Updated: Jun 25

“The ‘Right Education’ is one in which a young person learns the skills to find meaningful employment in a field that both interests and excites them, while being able to support an independent life.” Ellen Hunter, Founder KidsAreAlrighat.org
Today, more than one million students at the age of twenty-one are graduating from an educational system that was not built for them. A system designed to neither recognize potential nor expect an individual with ANY type of disability to achieve.
Young adults with special needs are no different than their non-disabled peers. They have the same desire for learning and growth; the same goals and dreams that can be furthered and realized by the right education.
We all enjoy the sense of accomplishment that learning brings. By simply changing the pace of instruction, the amount of review and reinforcement, the modality of support and understanding and LISTENING can help young adults with a special need learn more efficiently.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, has long required schools to help students design “transition plans” and provide job training for their lives after graduation.
Know your and your child’s federal rights. An IEP is a legal and binding document.
KidsAreAlright.org is a top New York City based nonprofit helping to serve you and your special needs young adult.
We Are Always and In All Ways HERE for you!


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