My Teenage Special Needs Grrl Hit PUBERTY!
Puberty is awkward regardless of the circumstances. Families raising special-needs teenagers have additional challenges. The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center publishes a guide, Healthy Bodies for Girls , with tips for teaching your daughter (and you!) how to handle puberty as gracefully as possible. Don’t wait, start before the obvious signs are there. Changes can be scary if she doesn’t understand what’s happening. Use the Right Words Use the biological terms for body parts: vagina and breasts, for example — and bodily functions, such as urination and menstruation. This makes it easier to talk about everything from hygiene to reproduction. Build Up to a BRA Let your daughter get used to wearing something under her shirt by giving her training bras, camisoles, tank tops with thin straps or sports bras. Find ones that snap in front if she has trouble with dexterity, or ask her occupational therapist about adaptive bras. Physical Activity: Join In Ask her doctor...